When an alien invasion attacks Earth in the age of the dinosaurs, our planet's only saviors are the savage prehistoric beasts which are much more intelligent than humanity has ever imagined.
The Phantom made its American debut as adventure comic strip created by Lee Falk (who also created Mandrake the Magician) and syndicated by King Features. through the years, King ...
Man with No Name The Man with No Name refer to the character (or possibly characters) played by American actor Clint Eastwood in what is often called "The Dollars Trilogy" directed by ...
Ashley J. "Ash" Williams is the protagonist in the Evil Dead horror film franchise, played by Bruce Campbell, and created by director Sam Raimi. Since the character Ash Williams first appeared in ...
Tim Seeley began his career working for a children's book company but also penciled scripts for Avatar Press on the side. Also early on in his career he worked for the ...
Howard Victor Chaykin (born October 7, 1950 in Newark, New Jersey) is an American comic book writer and artist famous for his innovative storytelling and sometimes controversial material. Chaykin's main influences ...
Stuart Manning is a London based graphic designer, writer and audio producer. Manning has written several Dark Shadows Big Finish Audio Dramas as well as producing the series since 2006. ...