The All-New! from
09/02/16 @ 9:56 pm EST
Source: Bleeding Cool | Categories: Dynamite

A Writer’s Commentary: Elliott Serrano talks the Army of Darkness: Election Specialone-shot, now on sale from Dynamite. Cover by Elliot Fernandez and interiors byDiego Galindo.


Page One
Hey everyone! Elliott Serrano, former series writer for “Army of Darkness”, here with a writer’s commentary for the “Army of Darkness: Election Special.” I had a lot of fun writing it, when I wasn’t banging my head against a wall trying to balance a number of story elements in a comic book about a store clerk turned monster hunter running for president of the United States.For all you millennials, the title is a nod to the political thriller “The Manchurian Candidate.” The book has also been referred to as “Ash For President,” but we’d rather not confuse it with the current ad campaign Starz has going for the “Ash VS Evil Dead” television series. Some folks have asked me if we were inspired by the television show or anything that happened during the show to produce this story, and I’ll just come out and say…nope.The idea of having Ash get involved in the presidential race was proposed by Dynamite Entertainment editor Joe Rybandt as one of several scenarios where we could use the AoD title to comment on the current state of American politics. And after my experience with the “Ash Saves Obama” mini-series, Joe asked me if I’d take a crack at it. I’m glad that I did!
So we start off with the image of our hero holding the Necronomicon and recounting some of his previous adventures, this way we get a sense of where this story takes place in Ash’s “timeline.”

Page Two
This image of the Necronomicon screaming came to me in the shower, which oddly enough is when a lot of story ideas tend to pop into my head. I wanted to start the story off with a powerful image, and I couldn’t think of another time when the book behaved in this manner.
Notice the little details that artist Diego Galindo puts in Ash’s apartment? I made a note in the script that Ash’s “hovel” not look like the trailer that he lives in in the new series — we didn’t want to get into any problems with the licensors — but Galindo still managed to sneak an Easter egg or two in there.

Page Three
Now we’re off to meet the sidekick for this adventure. Of course when you’re dealing with demons and strange prophecies, you need to bring a psychic into the mix. Originally this character was going to be a man with a daughter who Ash would flirt with, but then I realized that I was just cluttering the story with too many characters and made the medium a woman. She’s named after author and friend Delilah S. Dawson who has written YA novels and even a Star Wars novella. I’d love to see her take a crack at Army of Darkness someday!It should also be noted that the script simply describes Delilah as “a looker.” Diego came up with her appearance all on his own. I wonder if she looks like anyone he knows? I’ll have to ask him if I ever see him.


Page Four
So here’s where we set up the dynamic between Ash and Delilah. Of course Ash is the wise-ass who wants to impress the pretty girl. But I wanted Delilah to come across as someone who could hold her own with him. I had this whole backstory in my head about how Delilah grew up in a family of mediums, witches and warlocks, and that she had many adventures of her own before meeting Ash. She’s not going to be a “screaming mimi” in this story, as we’ll see later on.

Page Five
It’s important for Delilah to demonstrate that she is in fact a true psychic medium and not some fraud since her powers really play a vital part in the story. She establishes a link to the Necronomicon and can see everything the demon presence within the book is experiencing…

Page Six
…which is a threat that is unlike anything Ash has ever faced before (of course it is, this is a 48-page special!) and even has the demon realm frightened. Diego manages to sneak a couple more Easter eggs in this scene, including a cameo by a particular “Evil Dead” demon.
By the way, the name of “The Great Darkness” is my tip of the cap to Paul Levitz’ “Great Darkness Saga” from DC Comics’ “Legion of Superheroes”, my favorite Legion story of all time.

Page Seven
At this point, Ash is justified in being skeptical of anything the Necronomicon Ex Mortis says to him. It’s not as if the book has ever done him any favors. I even have Ash call back to a particular adventure he went on when I was writing the main series. But having Delilah share the vision is where we establish that this appears to be a credible threat and not something the Necronomicon is making up to send Ash into a trap.

Page Eight
We then introduce the political element of the story and the potential “agent” of the Great Darkness, who we learn is one of the candidates running for President of the United States. This makes things a bit more complicated considering the solution the Necronomicon has for dealing with the agent, which makes Ash really uncomfortable!


Page Nine
The “solution” also made the Dynamite Entertainment legal department uncomfortable as well since publishing a comic about a character out to kill a presidential candidate is problematic — to say the least — especially in the current political climate.
It was important to emphasize that Ash wasn’t all too keen on his mission, and that there could be some hidden agenda that he hadn’t discovered yet. Still, having Delilah along lends some credence to the threat and let’s face it, Ash isn’t all that bright, so he needs a smarter head around to point him in the right direction.

Page Ten
Now we see the state of the presidential election in the AoD universe, where the candidates are very similar to the ones from our world but with some noted differences. For legal reasons we couldn’t use the actual presidential candidates, so I created amalgams and mixed up the traits a bit. Senator Brock Anders is the Democratic candidate, who in the script I described as a “college professor-looking type” to account for his appeal to younger voters. And also account for Ash’s eventual disdain for him.

Page Eleven
We then switch over to the Valerie Sexton rally where I dropped some in-jokes that political wonks (like me) will enjoy. The original name of Senator Sexton went through a change because “Chilton” sounded it bit too much like a certain former Secretary of State and New York Senator. Yet another thing that legal got a little nervous over.

Page Twelve
Now, if I get hate mail over this book, I’m guessing it’ll be for this part of the story. Nobody likes it when you poke fun at third party candidates, but in the AoD universe, everyone is fair game! Introducing the 3rd party made perfect sense here, though, and opened up some interesting possibilities.

Page Thirteen
As I was hashing out the plot, I wasn’t quite sure how Ash fit into the story as a potential “candidate”, or if at all. Going through plot ideas, at one point I thought that instead of being a candidate, Ash could be on the fringes of the campaign. He’d be like one of those conspiracy theorists who believes that 9/11 was an inside job, or that Obama was a secret Muslim who was born in Kenya. You know, a nutjob, but a nutjob we liked because we knew him.And again, I found that I was needlessly cluttering the story with overly clever plot points when the most straightforward solution worked best. I also realized that not having Ash in the midst of the race would be a disappointment to many of his fans. The book is often referred to as Ash for President, and I didn’t want readers to feel misled. (For example, I still get grief for not having Ash and President Obama actually meet in the “Ash Saves Obama” miniseries I wrote years ago.)
So here we have Norman Treadwell of the “Patriot Party” using catchphrases and rhetoric that sounds oddly…familiar.

Page Fourteen
Also note that the Necronomicon is an active player in this whole scenario. That was another element of the story that just made it more interesting for me as a writer.
And here is where Ash finds himself going from observer of this whole political process…


Page Fifteen
…to getting thrown into it, quite literally!
Because you can’t have an AoD story without some Deadite mayhem, this seemed like a good time to cut the chatter and throw some action in to move things along.
Again, Diego does a nice job of laying it out and going from comical to brutal, just like in the Evil Dead movies.

Page Sixteen
And here is where people on social media are going to allege that I’m a right-wing gun nut, which I’m really not. You’ve gotta admit, though, the line works.
This sequence is meant to show how the cult of personality often takes hold in the election process. It’s not who you are or what you can do that matters, but how people perceive you.

Page Seventeen
Yet again, the Necronomicon gets involved, and this is where Ash’s role is solidified in the story. How do you get a store clerk to run for president? Same way you get the nation to talk about Joe the Plumber. Give him 15 minutes of fame and fan the flames a bit. I say that this is Shakespeare’s “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” in play.

Page Eighteen & Nineteen
These pages take me back to my discussions with Joe Rybandt and how the story would play out. After some back-and-forth, I said “Ash runs for president and has the Necronomicon as his campaign manager.” Not that great a stretch when you consider that George W. Bush had Karl Rove as his campaign manager.
Also, I wanted to refer to the National Association for the Right To Bear Arms as NARBA, but it sounded too much like NAMBLA and well…hate mail.

Page Twenty
And now the cable news networks – with their 24-hour news cycles desperate for new content – get involved. Global News Network and CONservative News will play a major part in this election, just like their “real world” counterparts do in ours. Shout out to Diego for the Bill O’Reilly-looking CON News pundit. That was a nice touch.

Page Twenty-One
For those who aren’t familiar, here’s the quote that Ash mangles in his stump speech:
“It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it… anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” – Douglas AdamsHe did say he wasn’t very good with words, right?

Page Twenty-Two
If you can’t tell, Sexton and Anders’ campaign rhetoric is inspired by almost a year of listening to Clinton and Sanders going back and forth, and how the media has been disseminating their messages to the public. If you ask me, television and social media have played a greater role in this presidential election than in any before. Especially when you consider that the most controversial candidate of the 2016 election got almost all of his exposure for free via the television news networks. We all agree that Trump is a deadite, yes?

Page Twenty-Three
Here’s is where we get to the “deal with the devil” part of the story. And it’s inspired by a scene from “The West Wing” when Josiah Bartlett admits to a group of farmers that he screwed them on a tax bill. His matter-of-fact speaking is what gets Josh to work for him. Well, Ash is no Josiah Bartlett, but he is a decent guy, so he believes in the inherent good of people. On the other hand, the Necronomicon only knows people for the bad that they can be. And he’s telling Ash that if he wants people to listen to him, he needs to appeal to that darker side of human nature. So when Ash starts off mimicking the rhetoric he’s heard and seeing that it’s not getting him anywhere…


Page Twenty-Four
…he decides to go with the Necronomicon’s advice and lies to the group of veterans. It’s a lie of omission, yes, and in his own head he can rationalize it to himself because while he may not be a veteran of a human war, he has been fighting against the armies of darkness for decades. So using his own amputation as evidence that he is a fellow veteran is rather deceitful, but has it’s own logic.From here on out Ash is using the Necronomicon’s brand of “truth”, which is mostly lies mixed with a bit of truth. He’s finally become a politician.

Back to the 24-hour news cycle and suddenly our man Ash is very popular! The “I shot a guy” line was inspired by Donald Trump saying that he could shoot a guy in the street and still see his poll numbers rise. Which they did. When I wrote this page I thought that I was going a bit too “out there” as far as the stuff Ash could get away with saying. Since then Trump has shown that I was too reserved.And at this point readers should realize that Ash in the Donald Trump of the AoD universe.

Page Twenty-Six
As this chapter draws to a close, and we see how the Necronomicon’s influence has affected the campaign, Ash has his “Howard Dean moment.” If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Google “Howard Dean Yeah” and you’ll see what I’m talking about. It’s hilarious.

Page Twenty-Seven
Okay, maybe it seems a bit far-fetched that a third party candidate would get on the debate stage on the eve of a hotly-contested election, but we are talking about a comic where a store clerk fights demons and zombies, right?

Page Twenty-Eight
It tickles me that the debate takes place in Atlanta Georgia. This sets up a very subtle jab at “The Walking Dead” to come in a few pages.

Page Twenty-Nine
The jacket that Ash wears was a creation of Diego Galindo and cover artist Elliot Fernandez. The backstory being that Patriot Party headquarters sent him the jacket to wear during the debate, and that Ash initially resisted but then relented. Well, as I’m writing this I realize that I’m getting bogged down in details again and slowing down the story. So I included the line where Delilah says “get your jacket” and the reader can just assume that Ash has horrible fashion sense. Which he does.
The words that Ash writes on his hand are actually Sumerian and is an incantation of truth and revelation.

Page Thirty – Thirty-Two
Gonna make a confession here: as I was writing these pages, I still hadn’t really decided who was going to be revealed as the “agent of the Great Darkness.” I had scenarios planned out for whether it was Sexton (whose name should have been a dead giveaway) or Anders. And each scenario had their strengths and drawbacks.Also, I made myself laugh when I write the “Professor Santa Claus” line. I may be the only person in the world who thinks it was funny, but that’ enough for me.


Page Thirty-Three & Thirty-Four
Oh yeah…if you #StandWithHer you just might be writing some hate mail about this, but remember, it’s just a comic book! I also expect some MRAs to high five each other over this.Guys?Don’t….

Page Thirty-Five
…because I went ahead and made them both demons anyway! This would lead into the very subtle jab that I take at The Walking Dead on the next page. Which is if you put Ash in Atlanta, facing a bunch of zombies…

Page Thirty-Six
…he just needs one page to kill them all!

Remember how I said I don’t think I got crazy enough with the story? I still hold to that, even with this ending. Because with the stuff that Donald Trump has been saying, Ash seems downright reasonable.

And so we close with our hero in the White House and asking the same question that so many have been asking during this election season. (Delilah echoing the end of “Ash Saves Obama” because I just love that line.) And we discover that the Necronomicon has been playing us all along?

Thanks for coming along for the ride everyone! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

05/01/24 @ 2:47 pm EST
Source: Image Comics | Categories: Image

The critically acclaimed Giant Generator series The Sacrificers—by The New York Times bestselling writer Rick Remender (Napalm Lullaby, Deadly Class, LOW) and artist Max Fiumara (Amazing Spider-Man, Four Eyes, Lucifer), Shuster award winning colorist Dave McCaig (The Walking Dead Deluxe), and published by Image Comics—will welcome a guest artist André Lima Araújo (A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance) to the team. Araújo will be on deck for the series interiors of issues #10-12, the first of which will kick off a new story arc in July. Early uncolored, unlettered inks from the upcoming The Sacrificers #10 hint at what's to come when Remender and Araújo join forces to tell the tale of Princess Soluna’s fall from grace. After a reversal of fortune tests her resilience, she's brought face-to-face with unimaginable horrors in a search for refuge in a seemingly godforsaken world. "André is one of the greatest talents in comics today and one of those rare people who is not only an incredibly talented and exciting illustrator, but a wonderful storyteller, and a machine that never misses a schedule," said Remender. "On top of that, he's a sweet guy and a lot of fun to work with. We're really lucky to have him come join us on this and become part of this strange little family we've been building."

The Sacrificers #10 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, July 10:

Cover A by McCaig - Lunar Code 0524IM347

Cover B (1:10 copy incentive) by McCaig - Lunar Code 0524IM348

The Sacrificers is available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.

05/01/24 @ 2:48 pm EST
Source: Deadline | Categories: MIsc

Ivanna Sakhno joins 'M3GAN 2.0'

Following her breakout role as Shin Hati in the hit Star Wars series Ahsoka, Ivanna Sakhno has found her next big role. Deadline is reporting that she has landed a major part in M3GAN 2.0, a sequel to the hit film from Atomic Monster and Blumhouse in association with Divide/Conquer. She joins a cast that includes Allison Williams and Violet McGraw. Plot details on M3GAN 2.0 are unknown, but the original film revolves around a life-like AI doll that is programmed to be a child’s greatest companion and a parent’s greatest ally. Designed by brilliant toy-company roboticist Gemma (Williams), M3GAN can listen, watch and learn as she becomes friend and teacher, playmate and protector, for the child she is bonded to. That film would go on to make $180 million worldwide on a $12 million budget, with a sequel quickly going into development.

04/30/24 @ 11:05 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Thundercats

Dynamite and Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products' blockbuster ThunderCats comic book series explodes to new heights this July in a brand new story arc reuniting writer Declan Shalvey with ongoing artist Drew Moss that brings an exciting first appearance for the series and more!

Following June's issue #5 with guest artist Stephen Mooney (Half Past Danger, The Rocketeer) and a focus on Cheetara's training of Lion-O, the unstoppable tag team of Shalvey and Moss realign for this exciting next step in the epic journey. With the ThunderCats now more settled on their new home planet of Third Earth, it's time for them to make it their home.

Fans will get to see Drew's new artistic vision of the team's base. Even more exciting will be the debut of the Thundertank into the series! Though Lion-O remains the central figure of the series, this arc will shift a bit from each core character issue to issue, showing their relationship with the young upstart heroic leader. Panthro powers up their iconic vehicle to kick off this new arc with a bang. While on a quest to track down sources of Thundrainium, the warrior recalls back to the days of Thundara before its destruction, Lion-O's time as a cub, but he can't reminisce too much. He'll find himself attacked by Mu'Tants and along the way learn more of the history of Third Earth, its penal colony past and the irony of now using it as a sanctuary.

Beyond Panthro and the Thundertank, another big star of ThunderCats #6 is special guest cover artist Rahzzah! The superstar creator is known for his jaw-dropping work on titles like Ghost Rider, Weapon X, Hulk, Darth Vader, and more. Collectors will not want to miss his stunning cover, an open incentive variant.

Rahzzah is joined by the continuing regular cover contributors of David Nakayama, Lucio Parrillo, Shalvey, Jae Lee, Ivan Tao, and an action figure variant. Nakayama's lead cover shows off the Thundertank in all its glory!

With an approachable largely standalone issue #5, a thrilling new arc in the following #6, and an early release for the first collection with more details coming, it's the perfect time to jump into ThunderCats fandom!

THUNDERCATS #6 will be solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ May 2024 Previews catalog, the premier source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market, and slated for release in July 2024. Comic book fans are encouraged to preorder copies of the book with their local comic book retailers. It will also be available for individual customer purchase through digital platforms courtesy of Comixology, Kindle, iBooks, Google Play, Dynamite Digital, ComicsPlus, and more!

04/30/24 @ 3:44 pm EST
Source: Variety | Categories: MIsc

Amazon Prime Video‘s upcoming series based on James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels is being renewed for Season 2, Variety reports. The show, which stars Aldis Hodge as Cross, has yet to debut its first season or even set a premiere date. But according to sources, Amazon was impressed enough with what they have seen from the first season to greenlight the second and begin casting. Jeanine Mason (“Roswell, New Mexico,” “Upload”) has reportedly already been cast in Season 2. Reps for Amazon declined to comment. “Cross” is described as a thriller series, while Cross himself is said to be “brilliant, flawed, and full of contradictions. A doting father and family man, Cross is single-minded to the point of obsession when he hunts killers. He is desperate for love, but his wife’s murder has left him too damaged to receive it.”

04/30/24 @ 3:19 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Dynamite
Dynamite Entertainment is excited to announce a new licensing partnership with Full Moon Features, to produce collectibles and other projects featuring their legendary Puppet Master series of films, in celebration of the franchise's 35th anniversary.

With plans to unleash an exciting set of trading cards celebrating the franchise's history across its dozen-plus film entries, fans can stay tuned for further information on this project and the possibility of others in this collaboration.

"Puppet Master is one of the most unique and classic franchises in horror," said Nick Barruccci, Dynamite CEO and Publisher. "We're excited to connect with the diehard fans of the films and deliver something truly special for their collections." "The Puppet Master series might just be the most important franchise in our vast Full Moon film universe," said Charles Band, CEO and Founder of Full Moon. "So, it is extremely important to us that our brand be forever in good hands. The Dynamite team have surpassed all of our expectations, creating a collection of cards that exemplify the magic, mystery and visual grandeur of Puppet Master and the iconic characters within. We couldn't be more pleased with this partnership."

The Puppet Master series kicked off in 1989 with its eponymous first entry. Anthropomorphic puppets animated by an ancient Egyptian spell wreak havoc, equipped with dangerous devices and weapons and out to threaten people, or even to fight against other puppets. The film is considered one of the key cult hits of the home video and rental era of horror. Its massive success and following led to 10 sequels, a reboot, spinoffs, and crossovers.

More details on the first project in this team-up between two purveyors of classic horror stories will come soon!


04/30/24 @ 12:09 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Thundercats

The wait is over! Fans will be able to get caught up on the juggernaut new ThunderCats comic this July and add the initial instant classic story arc to their shelf, as Dynamite and Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products announce the first collected edition of the hit series.

The first issue of the new ThunderCats title shattered records for Dynamite and dominated the comics industry and community upon its release. With a second printing and third printing selling out, new waves of readers continue to discover the title through great reviews, and especially word of mouth on this viral story. This summer it's all ramping up even more.

ThunderCats #5 is set to feature a special spotlight story on Cheetara with guest artist Stephen Mooney (Half Past Danger, The Rocketeer) joining writer Declan Shalvey. Then the next month Cheetara pounces into her own essential companion series with the release of ThunderCats Cheetara #1 by creator Soo Lee (Disney Villains: Maleficent). That same month, ThunderCats #6 reunites ongoing artist Drew Moss on the book and kicks off a new story arc in the flagship series.

With this exciting whirlwind of developments in the comic series, Dynamite wants fans to be able to jump right in even if they've missed the earlier launch and releases. The ultimate cherry on top and gateway to the mythos releases July 17 as a special trade paperback edition of ThunderCats: Omens will be available exclusively in comic book stores. This Direct Market Special Edition reprints issues #1-5 of the hit series and will be limited to a single printing. Later editions planned as both paperback and hardcover available both in comics stores and other retailers will feature different covers.

Critics have lauded the series to date, as each issue builds on the last.

"Nostalgic and daring, ThunderCats is a thrilling remix of a beloved '80s classic." - AIPT

"Has set the foundation for a promising adventure, and it should only get better from here." -

"I continue to enjoy the world being created in this series and how it delivers on everything that I loved about the original series and the lore behind it." - The Super Powered Fancast

"A gripping narrative with layers of drama, character conflicts, and mysterious connections. The introduction of Calica [issue #3] injects freshness into the storyline, keeping readers on their toes." - Comical Opinions

THUNDERCATS VOL 1: OMENS DIRECT MARKET SPECIAL EDITION TPB will be solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ May 2024 Previews catalog, the premier source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market, and slated for release in July 2024. Comic book fans are encouraged to preorder copies of the book with their local comic book retailers.

04/30/24 @ 12:15 pm EST
Source: Deadline | Categories: MIsc

Netflix has dropped the official trailer for Jurassic World: Chaos Theory, the animated follow-up sequel series to Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous, and there’s one name that is conspicuously missing. Jenna Ortega, who voiced Brooklynn in Camp Creatceous, is not listed in the voice cast for Chaos Theory, or seen in the trailer. Deadline reports it has confirmed she will not be returning for the new series. Chaos Theory picks up with Brooklynn seemingly killed by a dinosaur attack. According to Ben (Sean Giambrone), she was targeted, and the other members of the Nublar Six are now in danger. Jurassic World: Chaos Theory is slated to debut on Netflix May 24.


04/29/24 @ 9:34 pm EST
Source: Deadline | Categories: MIsc


Deadline reports that Studiocanal and Editions Albert René have signed an exclusive development agreement for the fifth live action movie inspired by the adventures of French comic strip hero Asterix.The deal comes as French publishing house Éditions Albert René marks the 65th anniversary of the creation of the plucky Gaul warrior Asterix and his sidekick Obelix by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo in 1959.Since then, 400 million Asterix books in 130 languages and dialects have sold worldwide, with 40 albums of Asterix adventures published since 1961. The Asterix & Obelix comic books are embedded in French culture and have inspired five live-action films to date. No details on the storyline, schedule, cast or director were available as yet.

04/29/24 @ 9:29 pm EST
Source: BOOM! Studios | Categories: MIsc

BOOM! Studios today revealed a first look at MAN’S BEST #3, the next issue of an action-packed sci-fi romp full of heart by Pornsak Pichetshote, writer of the Eisner and Harvey Award-winning The Good Asian, Eisner Award-nominated rising star artist Jesse Lonergan (Miss Truesdale and the Fall of Hyperborea), and letterer Jeff Powell (Infidel). Homeward Bound on an alien world, MAN’S BEST follows three emotional support pets living on the Starship Horizon—a spacecraft searching for a new home to house a humanity compromised by bad decisions and corporate greed, coming to comic shops this May. In the middle chapter of the epic space adventure featuring 3 animal best friends on a quest to save the earth, the splendor of the planet does little to comfort Athos as they feel at fault for the recent tragedy in the midst of searching for their missing comrade. And as they enter a new psychic realm and literally form a much deeper connection than before, what challenges and new discoveries lie ahead as they continue their desperate mission? MAN’S BEST #3 features a main cover by series artist Jesse Lonergan, and variant covers by fan-favorite artists JJ Harrison (New Masters), Paulina Ganucheau (Heartbeat), and Junggeun Yoon (The Expanse: Dragon Tooth). MAN’S BEST is the newest release from BOOM! Studios’ eponymous imprint, home to critically acclaimed original series, including BRZRKR by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, and Ron Garney; Something is Killing the Children by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera; Grim by Stephanie Phillips and Flaviano; Stuff of Nightmares by R.L. Stine and A.L. Kaplan; Damn Them All by Simon Spurrier and Charlie Adlard; Once Upon a Time at the End of the World by Jason Aaron, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Leila del Duca, and Nick Dragotta; Know Your Station by Sarah Gailey and Liana Kangas; A Vicious Circle by Mattson Tomlin and Lee Bermejo; The Neighbors by Jude Ellison S. Doyle and Letizia Cadonici; Ghostlore by Cullen Bunn and Leomacs; Sirens of the City by Joanne Starer and Khary Randolph; Coda by Simon Spurrier and Matías Bergara; Rare Flavours by Ram V and Filipe Andrade; Underheist by David and Maria Lapham; and Animal Pound by Tom King and Peter Gross. The imprint also publishes popular licensed properties, including Dune: House Harkonnen from Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, and Michael Shelfer; Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice; and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth by Andy Diggle and Rubine. MAN’S BEST #3 will be available in comic shops May 22, 2024. It is available for pre-order at your local comic shop. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including Kindle, iBooks, and Google Play.

Man's Best #3 A Main: MAR240088

Man's Best #3 B Variant: MAR240089

Man's Best #3 C 1:25 INCV: MAR240090

Man's Best #3 D FOC Reveal Var: MAR240091

Man's Best #3 E Unlockable Var: MAR240092

Check out DYNAMIC FORCE'S interview with MAN'S BEST writer PORNSAK PICHETSHOTE by Byron Brewer.

04/29/24 @ 9:19 pm EST
Source: Hollywood Reporter | Categories: Scooby Doo

Live-Action Scooby-Doo Series From Greg Berlanti in the Works at Netflix

Greg Berlanti and Netflix are going for a ride in the Mystery Machine.The streaming giant is near a deal for a live-action TV series based on the beloved Hanna-Barbera animated cartoon Scooby-Doo. The project has a script-to-series commitment at Netflix, meaning if the script is well received, it would trigger a straight-to-series order for what is considered a live-action update of the classic cartoon.Reps for Netflix, producers Warner Bros. Television and Berlanti Productions declined to comment, as a deal has not yet formally closed.Josh Appelbaum and Scott Rosenberg — who previously adapted Cowboy Bebop for Netflix and High Fidelity for Hulu — are attached to pen the script and exec produce via their Midnight Radio banner’s André Nemec and Jeff Pinkner. Berlanti and his Berlanti Productions partner Sarah Schechter will exec produce alongside the company’s Leigh London Redman. Berlanti Productions’ Jonathan Gabay and Midnight Radio’s Adrienne Erickson will be credited as co-exec producers. Warner Bros. Television, where Berlanti has been based for years, is the studio as the company owns animation studio Hanna-Barbera. (via The Hollywood Reporter)

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