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11/13/17 @ 12:46 pm EST
Source: Deadline | Categories: 10 Frames Per Second 18 Days 300 30 Days of Night 3D Sculptures 52 ALEX ROSS AOD VS Reanimator AVX A Clash Of Kings A Game of Thrones A Game of Thrones Hardcovers A Nightmare on Elm Street A Plus X A Thousand Arts A Train Called Love A Train Called Love TPB Action Comics Action Girl Adam Kubert Adventure Hour Adventure Time Adventures Red Sonja After Earth After With Archie Age of Apocalypse Age of Heroes Age of Ultron Agent 47 Birth of The Hitman Agents of Atlas Akaneiro Alex Ross Alice Cooper Alice Cooper Hardcover Alice Cooper Vs Chaos Alice Cooper Vs Chaos TPB Aliens Aliens Vampirella Aliens Vampirella Hardcovers Aliens Vs Predator All-New Doop All Access All Select Comics All Star Batman Alpha And Omega Alpha Flight Alssault On New Olympus Altered States Amaze Ink Amazing Fantasy Amazing Spider-Man Amazing X-Men America American Flagg Andy Kubert Angel Angel and Faith Angela Angela Asgards Assassin Angelus Ani-Max Animal Jam Animal Jam Hardcovers Anita Blake Ant Man Aphrodite Apparel April 2006 Pre Orders April 2007 Pre Orders April 2008 Pre Orders April 2009 Pre Orders April 2010 Pre Orders Aquaman Aquaman Rebirth Archie Armor X Army Of Darkess Army of Darkness Army of Darkness 1992 Army of Darkness 2014 Army of Darkness Ash For President Army of Darkness Ash Gets Hitched Army of Darkness Ash Saves Obama Army of Darkness Cards Army of Darkness From The Ashes Army of Darkness Furious Road Army of Darkness Home Sweet Hell Army of Darkness Long Road Home Army of Darkness One Shot Army of Darkness TPB Army of Darkness Vs Hack Slash Army of Darkness Xena Forever and a Day Army of Darkness Xena What Again Army of Darkness Xena What Again TPB Army of Darkness Xena Why Not Arrow Art of Army of Darkness Ash Vs The Army of Darkness Ash and The Army of Darkness Aspen Astonishing X-Men Astro Boy Atari Atari TPBs Athena Athena TPB Atlas August 2004 Pre Orders August 2006 Pre Orders August 2007 Pre Orders August 2008 Pre Orders August 2009 Pre Orders August 2011 Pre Orders Avengers Avengers A.I. Avengers Arena Avengers Assemble Avengers Vs X-Men Avengers X-Men Avengers X-Sanction Avengers and X-Men Axis Avenging Spider-Man Axis Axis Revolutions BOTP Babyteeth Back to The Future Bad Ass Bad Ass TPB Bad Boy Bad Karma Hardcover Bane Conquest Barbarella Batgirl Batgirl Annual Batmam Batman Batman 66 Batman 66 Meets Green Hornet Batman Annual Batman Arkham Knight Batman Begins Batman Beyond Batman Beyond Rebirth Batman Lost Batman Rebirth Batman Shadow Batman Superman Batman TMNT Batman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Batman and Nightwing Batman and Ras Al Ghul Batman and Red Hood Batman and Red Robin Batman and Robin Batman and Robin Eternal Batman and The Signal Battle Royale Battlefields Battlefields Dear Billy Battlefields Fall and Rise of Anna Kharkova Battlefields Green Fields Beyond Battlefields Happy Valley Battlefields Hardcovers Battlefields TPB Battlefields Tankies Battlefields Tankies TPB Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Annual Battlestar Galactica Cylon Apocalypse Battlestar Galactica Cylon War Battlestar Galactica Final Five Battlestar Galactica Ghost Battlestar Galactica Gods and Monsters Battlestar Galactica Hardcovers Battlestar Galactica Origins Battlestar Galactica Season Zero Battlestar Galactica Starbuck Battlestar Galactica TPB Battlestar Galactica The Death of Apollo Battlestar Galactica Vol 3 Battlestar Galactica Vs Battlestar Galactica Battlestar Galactica Zarek Batwoman Batwoman Rebirth Bedlam Before Watchman Ben Reilly Bettie Page Betty Boop Betty Boop Trade Paperback Betty and Veronica Big Bang Theory Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Bionic Woman Birds of Pray Birds of Prey Birthright Bitch Planet Black Bat Black Bolt Black Canary Black Kiss Black Market Black Panther Black Science Black Sun Black Terror Black Terror TPB Black Widow Blackbeard Blackbeard TPB Blade Blair Witch Blood Brothers Blood Queen Blood Queen Vs Dracula Blood of The Demon Bloodtrail TPB Blue Beetle Boba Fett Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers TPB Boo Boo Hardcovers Booster Gold Borderline Bravest Warrior Brian Michael Bendis Brickleberry Brickleberry TPBs Bring The Thunder Bring The Thunder TPB Brothers In Arms Buck Rogers Buck Rogers Annual Buck Rogers Hardcovers Buck Rogers TPB Bucky Barnes Buffy Bullet to The Head Bullet to The Head TPB Buzzkill CGC CGC.Spider-Man CGC Graded Comics CS Moore Studio Cable Cage Hero Cage Hero TPB Calendars Captain Action Cat Captain Amerca Captain America Captain America and The Mighty Avengers Captain Atom Captain Britain Captain Marvel Captain Marvel and Carol Corps Captain Victory Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers Captain Victory and The Galactic Rangers TPBs Carnage Category Catwoman Cave Carson Centipede Champions Chaos Chaos Bad Kitty Chaos Chosen Chaos Smiley Chaos TPBs Chaos War Charlaine Harris Grave Surprise Hardcover Charlie Wormwood Charmed Charmed TPB Chastity Chastity TPBs Chew Chewbacca Chin Music Choas War Chosen Chrononauts Civil War Civil War II Classic Battlestar Galactica Classic Red Sonja Cloak and Dagger Clone Codename Action Codename Action TPB Colder Comeback Comic Books Comicon Comicxposure Complete Alice In Wonderland Complete Alice In Wonderland Hardcover Complete Alice In Wonderland Softcover Complete Dracula Complete Dracula Hardcovers Complete Dracula TPB Conan Conan The Avenger Constantine Control Control TPB Convergence Justice League America Cornboy Cosmic Guard Countdown Arena Coven Crimson Crossgen Crow Cryptozoic Man Cryptozoic Man TPB Curse of The Wendigo Cyber Force Cyberforce Cyclops DARK HORSE SALE DC DC-Universe DC Comics DC Comics Bombshells DC TPBs and HCs DC Universe DC VS Masters of The Universe DF Found Inventory DF Variants Damsels Damsels Giant Killer Damsels High Damsels Mermaids Damsels TPB Dan Dare HC Dan Dare TPB Danger Girl Danger Girl and The Army of Darkness Danger Girl and The Army of Darkness TPB Daredevil Daredevil In Stock Dark Avengers Dark Days Dark Engine Dark Horse Dark Knight III Dark Knights Dark Knights Metal Dark Knights Rising Dark Nights Dark Nights TPB Dark Reign Dark Shadows Dark Shadows TPB Dark Shadows Vampirella Dark Shadows Vampirella TPB Dark Shadows Year One Dark Tower Dark Wolverine Dark X-Men Dark Xena Darkchylde Darkhorse Darkman Darkman VS AOD Darkness Darkness EVA Darkness Vs Eva Darth Maul Darth Vader David Michael Beck Dawn Dawn Vampirella Dawn Vampirella Hardcovers Dawn Vampirella Lithographs Dazzler Dead Irons Dead Irons Hardcovers Dead Soldier Deadline Deadman Deadpool Deadpool Back In Black Deadpool Corps Deadpool Kills Deadpool Deadpool Killustrated Deadpool Vs Carnage Deadpool Vs Gambit Deadpool Vs Thanos Deadpool Vs The Punisher Deadpool and Cable Deadpool and The Mercs For Money Dealpool Death of The New Gods Death of Wolverine Death of Zorro Deathlok December 2004 Pre Orders December 2005 Pre Orders December 2006 Pre Orders December 2007 Pre Orders December 2008 Pre Orders December 2009 Pre Orders December 2010 Pre Orders December 2011 Pre Orders Decender Deep State Defenders Dejah Thoris Dejah Thoris And The Green Men Of Mars Dejah Thoris Statues Dejah Thoris Status Dejah Thoris TPB Dejah Thoris Trading Cards Dejah Thoris Vol 2 Dejah Thoris and The Green Men Of Mars Dejah Thoris and The Green Men of Mars Dejah Thoris and The White Apes of Mars Dejah of Mars Dejah of Mars TPBs Detective Comics Devolution Devolution TPB Diamond Select Sale Dinosaurs Vs Aliens Disney Divine Right Django Zorro Django Zorro Hardcovers Doc Savage Doc Savage Annual Doc Savage Archives Doc Savage Ring of Fire Doc Savage TPBs Doc Savage The Spiders Web Doctor Aphra Doctor Spektor Doctor Spektor Master of The Occult Doctor Spektor Master of The Occult TPBs Doctor Strange Doctor Voodoo Doctor Who Donald Duck Doodle Jump Doodle Jump Hardcovers Doom Patrol Doomsday Clock Doomwar Dr. Doom Dr Strange Dracula Dreadstar Dream Merchant Dreaming Dreamwave Dresden Files Dresden Files Dog Men Dresden Files Down Town Dresden Files Fool Moon Dresden Files Fool Moon TPB Dresden Files Ghoul Goblin Dresden Files Hardcovers Dresden Files Storm Front Dresden Files TPB Dresden Files War Cry Dresden Files Wild Card Dynamite Dynamite Incentives EVA Earth 2 Earth X East of West Edge of Spider-Verse Edge of The Spider-Verse Edward Scissorhands Elektra Elephantmen Elvira Empty Man Enter The Heroic Age Equality Now Erf Eric Powell Eternal Warrior Eternals Eternity Kill Evil Empire Evil Ernie Evil Ernie Godeater Evil Ernie TPB Evil Ernie Vol 2 Ex-Con Ex-Con TPBs Ex Sanguine Exiles FBP Fabulous Killjoys Fade Out Fantastic Four Fantomex Max Fathom Fathom Trading Cards Fear Itself Fear Nothing Fearless Defenders February 2006 Pre Orders February 2007 Pre Orders February 2008 Pre Orders February 2010 Pre Orders February 2011 Pre Orders Figures Final Fantasy Fine Art First Family First Mutant Flash Flash Gordon Flash Gordon King Cross Flash Gordon TPBs Flash Gordon Zeitgeist Flash Gordon Zeitgeist TPB Flash Rebirth Flashpoint Fool Moon Foolkiller Forever Evil Franken-Castle Frankenstein Prodigal Son Frankenstein Prodigal Son TPB Frankenstein Storm Surge Frankenstein Storm Surge Hardcovers Free Stuff Fruit Ninja Future Imperfect Futures End G.I. Joe GIJoe GI Joe Galactica 1980 Gamekeeper Garbage Pail Kids Garth Ennis Red Team Gear Station Gen13 Gen 13 Generation Hope Genext Genius George Perez Ghost Rider Giantkiller Giclees Girl Comics Glory God Hates Astronauts Godzilla Gold Key Alliance Gold Key Alliance TPB Gorilla Man Gotham Grand Passion Grand Passion TPBs Grave Sight Graveyard Shift Gravity Falls Grayson Great Divide Great Divide TPBs Great Pacific Green Arrow Green Arrow Rebirth Green Goblin Green Hornet Green Hornet Aftermath Green Hornet Annual Green Hornet Blood Ties Green Hornet Golden Age Green Hornet Hardcovers Green Hornet Legacy Green Hornet Parallel Lives Green Hornet Reign of The Demon Green Hornet Special Green Hornet TPB Green Hornet TPBs Green Hornet Year One Green Lantern Green Lantern Corps Green Lanterns Green Lanterns Rebirth Greg Land Grendel Grimm Grimm Fairy Tales Grimm High Grimm Myth Grimm TPB Grimm The Warlock Grimm Vol 2 Grinch Grumpy Cat Grumpy Cat Garfield Grumpy Cat Garfield Hardcover Grumpy Cat Hardcovers Grumpy Cat and Pokey Guardians 3000 Guardians of Infinity Guardians of Knowhere Guardians of The Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Gumby Gutters Gwar Orgasmageddon Gwar TPB Gwenpool H20 HERO Hack Shash Hack Slash Eva Monsters Ball Hack Slash Monsters Ball Hack Slash vs Vampirella Hadrians Wall Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corp Half Off Special Halo Hamsters Happy Hardcovers Harley Ivy Betty Veronica Harley Quinn Hawk and Dove Hawkeye Hawkeye Vs Deadpool Hawkman Heart of The Beast Hardcover Hellblazer Hellboy Hellbreak Hellshock Heralds Herc Heroes Heroes For Hire Heroic Age Highlander Highlander Hardcovers Highlander Origins Highlander Origins Kurgan Highlander TPB Highlander Way of The Sword Hit-Girl Hit Girl Homies Homies TPBs House of M Howard Chaykin Howard The Duck Howling Commandos Howling Commandos of Shield Hulk Hulk Smash Hulks Human Torch Humans Hunger Hunter Killer IDW IDW Revolution I Hate Fairyland Identity Crisis Image Image Universe Immortal Men Imperial In Search of Lost Dragons Incentives Indestructible Hulk Infinite Crisis Infinity Infinity Gauntelt Infinity Gauntlet Infinity Heist Inhumanity Injection Intertwined Intertwined TPB Invader Zim Invaders Invaders Now Invasion of The Saucer-Men Invincible Invincible Iron Man Iron Fist Iron Man Island JLA JSA Jack Kraken Jae Lee James Bond James Bond Black Box James Bond Felix Leiter James Bond Hammerhead James Bond Hardcovers James Bond Kill Chain James Bond Moneypeny James Bond Service Special James Bond Solstice James Bond TPBs James Bond The Body January 2005 Pre Orders January 2006 Pre Orders January 2007 Pre Orders January 2008 Pre Orders January 2009 Pre Orders January 2010 Pre Orders January 2011 Pre Orders Jennifer Blood Jennifer Blood Annual Jennifer Blood Born Again Jennifer Blood First Blood Jennifer Blood TPB Jeph Loeb Jessica Jones Jim Lee Joe Jusko Joe Quesada Joe Simon John Carter The End John Carter Warlord of Mars John Romita John Romita Jr John Romita Sr John Wick Jonny The Homicidal Maniac Journey to Star Wars Judge Dredd July 2004 Pre Orders July 2006 Pre Orders July 2007 Pre Orders July 2008 Pre Orders July 2009 Pre Orders July 2010 Pre Orders June 2006 Pre Orders June 2007 Pre Orders June 2008 Pre Orders June 2009 Pre Orders June 2010 Pre Orders June 2011 Pre Orders Jungle Girl Jungle Girl Hardcovers Jungle Girl Lithos Jungle Girl Season Three Jungle Girl Statue Jungle Girl Statues Jungle Girl TPB Jungle Girl TPBs Jupiters Legacy Just A Pilgrim Just a Pilgrim Justice Justice Inc Justice Inc TPBs Justice Inc The Avenger Justice Inc The Avenger Faces of Justice Justice League Justice League International Justice League Power Rangers Justice League United Justice League vs Suicide Squad Kabuki Kanan Kaptara Kato Kato Annual Kato Origins Kato TPBs Kick-Ass Kick Ass Kid Kosmos Kid Kosmos TPB Killer Instinct King Flash Gordon King Jungle Jim King Kong King Mandrake The Magician King Prince Valiant King TPB King The Phantom Kingdom Come Kings Quest Kings Quest TPB Kings Watch Kings Watch TPB Kirby Genesis Kirby Genesis Captain Victory Kirby Genesis Dragonsbane Kirby Genesis Silver Star Kirby Genesis TPB Kirby Gensis Kiss Kiss Forever Special Kiss Lithos Kiss TPBs Kiss The Demon Kiss Vampirella Kitty Pride Klaws of The Panther Lady Deadpool Lady Death Lady Demon Lady Demon TPBs Lady Pendragon Lady Rawhide Lady Rawhide Lady Zorro Lady Rawhide Lady Zorro TPB Lady Rawhide TPB Lady Zorro Lady Zorro TPBs Larfleeze Lasermach Last Broadcast Lau Artwork Lazarus Legendary Star Lord Legenderry Legenderry Green Hornet Legenderry Red Sonja Legenderry TPB Legenderry Vampirella Legends of Red Sonja Legion Lost Legion of Monsters Lexx Librarians Life After Life With Archie Lil Battlestar Galactica Lil Bionic Kids Lil Dynamites Lil Ernie Lil Sonja Lil Vampi Liquids Purgatory Lithographs and Posters Locke and Key Lockjaw Lockjaw and The Pet Lone Ranger Posters Lone Wolf Loners Longshot Saves The Marvel Universe Looking For Group Lord of Mars Lord of The Jungle Lord of The Jungle Annual Lord of The Jungle TPB Lord of The Rings Lords Of Mars Lords of Mars Lords of Mars TPB Lords of The Jungle Lords of The Jungle TPB Lot 13 Low Luke Cage M-Rex MIsc MPH Mad Max Magdalena Mage Wars Magneto Magnets Magnus Magnus TPB Man With No Name Man With No Name TPB Manda Shi Manhunter Mankind March 2006 Pre Orders March 2007 Pre Orders March 2008 Pre Orders March 2009 Pre Orders March 2011 Pre Orders Mark Bagley Mark Waids Green Hornet Mark Waids Green Hornet TPB Marvel Marvel Boy Marvel Busts Marvel Divas Marvel Knights Marvel Legacy Marvel Lithos Marvel Mystery Marvel Now Point One Marvel Saga Marvel TPBs Marvel Tales Marvel Universe Marvel Universe Vs Avengers Marvel Zombies Marvel Zombies Vs AOD Masks Masks 2 Masks TPB Masquerade Masquerade TPB Mass Effect Masterplasty Masters Of Spanish Masters Series Masters of The Universe Max Ride First Flight May 2006 Pre Orders May 2007 Pre Orders May 2008 Pre Orders May 2009 Pre Orders May 2010 Pre Orders May 2011 Pre Orders May The Forth Sale Mercenaries Merciless The Rise of Ming Mercy Thompson Mercy Thompson Hopcross Jilly Mercy Thompson TPB Metal Bats Out of Hell Miami Vice Michael Turner Mickey Mouse Micronauts Midnighter and Apollo Midtown Comics Mighty Avenger Mighty Avengers Mighty Crusaders Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mighty Mouse Mighty Mouse Hardcover Mighty Thor Mind Mgmt Miracleman Misc Miss Fury Miss Fury TPB Miss Fury Vol 2 Mon-sieur Monster War Monsters Unleashed Moon Knight Morbius Morning Glories Ms. Marvel Ms Marvel Multiversity My Little Phoney My Little Pony Myopia Special Nailbiter Namor Namora Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys The Big Lie Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys The Big Lie TPB Naughty Dog Nemesis Neverboy Nevermore New 52 New Avengers New Battlestar Galactica Six New Mutants New Solicitations New Spring New Spring TPB New Suicide Squad New Warriors Nightcrawler Nightwing Nightwing Annual Nightwing Rebirth Nocturnals Noir Noir TPB Nova November 2004 Pre Orders November 2006 Pre Orders November 2007 Pre Orders November 2008 Pre Orders November 2009 Pre Orders November 2010 Pre Orders November 2011 Pre Orders Now Us Avengers Nowhere Man Nowhere Men ODYC Obama Occultist October October 2004 Pre Orders October 2006 Pre Orders October 2007 Pre Orders October 2008 Pre Orders October 2009 Pre Orders October 2011 Pre Orders Oh Killstrike Omega Effect One More Day Oni Press Operation Sin Origin Origin II Original Sin Orphan Black Outcast Over The Garden Wall Owl Packages Painkiller Jane Painkiller Jane TPB Pantha Pantha TPB Paper Girls Paradise X Path of Exile Path of Exile Hardcovers Pathfinder Pathfinder City of Secrets Pathfinder Goblins Pathfinder Hardcovers Pathfinder Hollow Mountain Pathfinder Origins Pathfinder Runescars Pathfinder TPB Pathfinder Worldscape Peter Panzerfaust Peter Parker Phoenix Resurrection Pierce Browns Red Rising Son of Ares Pierce Browns Red Rising Son of Ares Hardcover Planet Hulk Planet of The Apes Planetary Pokemon Power Man Power and Glory Powerpuff Girls Powers President Obama Pretty Deadly Project Superpowers Project Superpowers Blackcross Project Superpowers Busts Project Superpowers Cards Project Superpowers Chapter Two Project Superpowers Hardcovers Project Superpowers Hero Killers Project Superpowers Meet The Bad Guys Project Superpowers TPB Project Superpowers X-Mas Carol Prophecy Psylocke Punisher Punisher Trial Punisher War Zone Purgatori Purgatori Statue Purgatori TPBs Queen Sonja Raise The Dead Raise The Dead 2 Raise The Dead Hardcovers Raise The Dead TPB Rarest of The Rare Realm of Kings Reanimator Reanimator TPB Reborn Red Hood and The Outlaws Red Lanterns Red Sonja Red Sonja Annual Red Sonja Atlantis Rises Red Sonja Berserker Red Sonja Break The Skin Red Sonja Cards Red Sonja Conan Red Sonja Dollar Book Red Sonja Hardcovers Red Sonja Lithos Red Sonja One Shot Red Sonja Raven Red Sonja Revenge of The Gods Red Sonja Statue Red Sonja Statues Red Sonja TPB Red Sonja TPBs Red Sonja The Black Tower Red Sonja The Long Walk To Oblivion One Shot Red Sonja Trading Cards Red Sonja Unchained Red Sonja Vol 2 Red Sonja Vol 3 Red Sonja Vol 4 Red Sonja Vultures Circle Red Sonja Wrath of The Gods Red Sonja and Cub Red Team Red Team Double Tap Center Mass Red Team TPB Regular Show Remarks Retailer Specials Revival Rising Stars Robin Robocop Robocop Road Trip Robocop TPB Robotech Voltron Robotech Voltron TPB Roche Limit Rocket Rocket Girl Rocket Raccoon Rudolph Rumble SEAL Team Six SHIELD SWORD Sabretooth Sabrina Saga Samurai Jack Sandman Sandman Overture Sansation Comics Satellite Sam Savage Tales Savage Tales TPB Savage Wolverine Scarab Scarlet Crush Scarlet Spider Scarlet Spiders Scooby Doo Scout Secret Avengers Secret Invasion Secret Invastion Secret Origins Secret Warriors Secret Wars Secret Wars Battleworld Seduction of The Innocent Seduction of The Innocent TPBs Seige Sentry September 2004 Pre Orders September 2006 Incentives September 2006 Pre Orders September 2007 Pre Orders September 2008 Pre Orders September 2009 Pre Orders September 2010 Pre Orders Seven Brothers Sex Criminals Shadow Shadow Batman Shadow Year One Shadowland Shaft Shaft Imitation of Life Shaft Novel Shaft TPBs Sharky Shazam She-Hulk Sheena Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes Hardcovers Sherlock Holmes Moriarty Lives Sherlock Holmes TPBs Sherlock Holmes The Liverpool Demon Sherlock Holmes Vs Harry Houdini Sherlock Holmes Vs Harry Houdini TPBs Sherlock Holmes Year One Shield Siege Signed Comic Books Signed and Personalized Silk Silver Surfer Simon Dark Sin City Sinestro Skin and Earth Slayer Repentless Sleepwalking Smallville Smosh Smosh TPB Snapshot Solar Solar TPBs Sonic Space Punisher Spawn Speed Racer Spider Spider-Family Spider-Girl Spider-Gwen Spider-Man Spider-Man 2099 Spider-Men Spider-Verse Spider-Woman Spidey Splinter Cell Echoes Splinter Cell Echoes TPB Spread Stan Lee Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde Star Trek Star Trek Boldly Go Star Trek Doctor Who Star Trek Green Lantern Star Wars Starborn Stargate Stargate TPB Starship Troopers Starter Set Starve Steampunk Battlestar Galactica Stone Stone Cold Storm Strain Strain The Fall Strange Street Fighter Street Magik Sub-Mariner Suicide Squad Suicide Squad Banana Splits Suicide Squad Rebirth Super-Man Super Hero Squad Super Skrull Super Sons Super Zombies Super Zombies Hardcovers Superannuated Man Superboy Supergirl Supergirl Rebirth Superior Carnage Superior Foes Superior Spider-Man Superior Spider-Man Annual Superman Superman Doomed Superman Forever Superman Rebirth Superman Reborn Superman Unchained Supreme Swamp Thing Sword of Red Sonja Sword of Sorcery Swordquest Swords of Sorrow Swords of Sorrow TPB Swords of The Swashbucklers T-Shirts TMNT Tale of Enlightenment Tales of Terror Tales of The Teen Titans Talon Tazmanian Devil Teen Titans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Foot Clan Ten Grand Terminal Hero Terminal Hero TPBs Termination Revolution Terminator 2 Terminator 2 TPB Terminator Revolution Terminator Revolutons Terminator Robocop Kill Human Terminator Robocop Kill Human TPB Thanos Thanos Rising Thanos Vs Hulk The-Boys The Adventures of Red Sonja The Art of Jose Gonzalez The Art of Painted Comics The Art of Ramona Fradon The Art of Sean Phillips The Art of The Boys The Authority The Bionic Man The Bionic Man Annual The Bionic Man TPB The Bionic Man VS The Bionic Woman The Bionic Man VS The Bionic Woman TPB The Bionic Woman The Bionic Woman Season Four The Bionic Woman TPB The Black Bat The Black Bat Hardcovers The Black Knight The Blood Queen The Blood Queen Annual The Blood Queen TPB The Boys The Boys Butcher Baker Candlestickmaker The Boys Cards The Boys Herogasm The Boys Highland Laddie The Boys TPB The Champions The Clone Conspiracy The Coven The Death-Defying Devil The Death Defying Devil The Defenders The Devilers The Devilers TPB The Expendables The Expendables TPB The Eye of The World The Falcon The Flash The Good The Bad and The Ugly The Greatest Adventure The Green Hornet The Green Hornet 66 Meets The Spirit The Green Hornet Strikes The Hidden Darkness The Hollows TPB The Hulk The Last Temptation The Last of US The Legendary TPBs The Legendary Talespinners The Living Corpse The Living Corpse Exhumed The Living Corpse Exhumed TPB The Living Corpse Haunted The Living Corpse TPB The Lone Ranger The Lone Ranger Annual The Lone Ranger Green Hornet The Lone Ranger Green Hornet TPB The Lone Ranger Hardcovers The Lone Ranger Lithos The Lone Ranger Snake of Iron The Lone Ranger Statues The Lone Ranger TPB The Lone Ranger Vindicated The Lone Ranger and Tonto The Mice Templar The Mocking Dead The Mocking Dead TPB The Mummy The Ninjettes The Owl The Owl TPB The Phantom The Phantom TPB The Precinct The Precinct TPB The Punisher The Rhino The Rocketeer The Shadow The Shadow 1941 The Shadow Annual The Shadow HC The Shadow Midnight in Moscow The Shadow Now The Shadow One Shot The Shadow Over Innsmouth The Shadow Special The Shadow TPB The Shadow The Death of Margo Lane The Shadow Vol 2 The Shadow Vol 3 The Shadow Year One The Shadown The Silver Scorpion The Six Million Dollar Man The Six Million Dollar Man Fall of Man The Six Million Dollar Man TPBs The Sovereigns The Spider The Spider Annual The Spider TPB The Spirit The Spirit Hardcovers The Spirit Rocketeer The Spirit The Corpse-Makers The Stand The Terrifics The Torch The Traveler The True Lives The Twelve The Twilight Zone The Twilight Zone Annual The Twilight Zone Shadow and Substance The Twilight Zone TPB The Twilight Zone The Shadow The Ultimates The Walking Dead The Warriors The Warriors TPB The Wicked and The Divine The Woods Theyre Not Like Us This Just In Thor Thor Annual Thors Thrax Thrillkiller Thulsa Doom Thulsa Doom TPB Thunda Thunda TPBs Thunderbolt Thunderbolt TPBs Thunderbolts Thundercats Thunderstrike Tiny Titans Titans Tolkien Tom Strong Tomb Raider Tomoe Tooth and Claw Top Cow Torch Total Recall Total Recall TPB Trade Paperbacks Trading Card Boxes Trading Cards Transformers Transformers G.I. Joe Transformers In-Stock Product Transformers Vs GI Joe Trees Trillium True Blood Turok Turok TPBs Uber Ulimate Spider-Man Ultimate Avengers Ultimate Comics Ultimate Comics X Ultimate End Ultimate Marvel Ultimate Power Ultimate Spider-Man Ultimate X Ultimate X-Men Ultimate X-Men Spidey Ultimates Ultimatum Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Uncanny Uncanny Avengers Uncanny Season Two Uncanny TPB Uncanny X-Force Uncanny X-Men Uncle Sam Uncle Scrooge Undertaker Unity Universal Universe X Untold Tales of Blackest Night Untouchable Vader Down Vampire Diaries Vampire Huntress Vampirella Vampirella AOD Vampirella AOD TPB Vampirella Annual Vampirella Archive Vampirella Cards Vampirella Feary Tales Vampirella Hardcovers Vampirella Lithographs Vampirella Magazine Vampirella Nublood Vampirella Posters Vampirella Red Room Vampirella Southern Gothic Vampirella Statue Vampirella Statues Vampirella Strikes Vampirella T-Shirts Vampirella TPB Vampirella Vol 2 Vampirella Vol 3 Vampirella Vol 4 Vampirella Vs Dracula Vampirella Vs Dracula TPB Vampirella Vs Fluffy Vampirella and The Scarlet Legion Velvet Venom Venom Space Knight Venomverse Villains Assemble Viz Comics Voltron Voltron From The Ashes Voltron TPB Voltron Year One WWE Wacky Raceland Wade Wilsons War Walking Dead Wallscrolls Wanted War Is Hell War Machine War is Hell War of Kings Warbound Warehouse 13 Warehouse 13 TPB Warlock Warlord Of Mars Dejah Thoris Warlord of Mars Warlord of Mars 100 Warlord of Mars Annual Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris TPB Warlord of Mars Fall of Barsoom Warlord of Mars TPB Warord of Mars Warriors Warriors of Mars Watchmen We Stand on Guard Weapon Zero What If Wheel of Time Where Is Jake Ellis White Sand Hardcover White Sand TPB Widow Warriors Widow Warriors TPB Widowmaker Wild Cards Wild Cards HC Wildcats Wildcore Wildfire Witchblade Witchblade Demon Reborn Witchblade Demon Reborn TPBs Witchblade Red Sonja Witchblade Red Sonja TPB Witchblade Shades of Gray Witching Hour Wizard Wizard of Oz Wolfcop Wolverine Wolverine In Flesh Wolverine Max Wolverine Vs Hulk Wolverine and The X-Men Wolverines Wolviner Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Bionic Woman 77 Wonder Woman Bionic Woman 77 TPB Wonder Woman Rebirth Wonder Woman rebirth Wytches X-23 X-Babies X-Factor X-Files X-Force X-Men X-Men Blue X-O Manowar X-Treme X-Men Xena Xena Annual Xena TPB Xena Warrior Princess Yoga Hosers Young Allies Young Avengers Youngblood Z Nation Z Nation TPB Zatanna Zero Zombies Zorro Zorro Hardcovers Zorro Lithos Zorro Matanzas Zorro Rides Again Zorro Statues Zorro TPB Zorro TPBB Zot hulk DF Bloodstrike DF Remarks DF Superman DS-Masks BOTP BOTP Jungle Girl Lithos Spider-Man Wizard Wolverine

Fox 21 and Hulu have teamed for a television series based on Hitman, the global best-selling video game from IO Interactive. A pilot script will be written by Derek Kolstad, creator of the John Wick action film series, who wrote the first film and scripted the third one that will be released in 2019.

Kolstad will be an executive producer along with Adrian Askarieh and Chuck Gordon. The project will be overseen at Fox 21 by Bert Salke, Jane Francis, Gloria Fan and Kira Innes, and at Hulu by Jordan Helman. The hope is for Hitman to become a flagship series.

Hitman has sold more than 25 million copies since being launched in 2000. It centers on Agent 47, a meticulous and lethal assassin with a mysterious backstory. The character has been the subject of two films released by Fox — 2007’s Hitman and 2015’s Hitman: Agent 47 — and the intention here is to hew closely to the mythology of the perennially popular video game. The latest game is simply called Hitman, and it sold 7 million copies. Two more Hitman games are in development at IO Interactive.
02/18/25 @ 2:40 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Dynamite

Dynamite Kids, Dynamite Entertainment’s new juvenile imprint has brought exciting new stories to young readers and has even more in the pipeline this year and beyond!

From originally produced material, to rights acquisitions of original tales, as well as key hit licensed properties, Dynamite Kids offers unique reading and activity experiences for entertaining and educating kids of all ages. With nearly 30 books already released or slated through the end of this year, the brand extension of Dynamite continues to grow.

Leading Dynamite Entertainment’s new juvenile publishing imprint is industry veteran Jon I. Rosenberg. Jon is a highly accomplished and creative global business development executive, specializing in originating, and extending existing juvenile content-related brands across a range of media and merchandise in the publishing, and brand-licensing sectors. The former EVP & Publisher of Curiosity Ink Media, VP and Publisher of Silver Dolphin Books, he also headed up MGM Studio’s Licensed Publishing Group.

"I'm thrilled to be at the forefront of leading Dynamite's expansion into the juvenile space," said Jon Rosenberg. "It's an opportunity to not just engage young readers from a very young age, but to get them excited about reading while looking forward to what's coming next, and to ideally develop a love for reading. We're eager to open young minds to a world of possibilities through our original stories for young readers, junior graphic novels, novelty books, and activity books."

Entries in the Dynamite Kids library to date are wide ranging, already garnering critical acclaim and rave from young readers.

Among the most prominent is the hit Thunderous written by Montana's poet laureate M.L. Smoker, Natalie Peeterse, and artist Dale Deforest. The exciting graphic novel adventure follows a young Lakota Native American girl who learns more about her family, culture, and heritage through a coming of age tale full of wonder.

Another standout gem of the line is the League of Forgettable Supervillains, a laughs-bursting take on the tropes of the hit superhero genre.

In two adorable books so far, the inexperienced but fearless switcher train Baldwin works hard and learns the ways of the rails. Whether he's crossing the country to find his lost father or making sure to get Christmas presents to every child, his spirit and the fun of locomotives shines.

In addition to Baldwin's Big Christmas Delivery, Dynamite Kids has produced and released several heart-warming tales perfect for the winter months and the holiday seasons. With a range of target audiences and formats, titles like Santa's Secret Society, How the North Pole Works, Snow Boy, the recently released The Ice Children and Stop That Penguin!, they all offer something for every kind of reader.

This round up does not include titles licensed from some of the biggest children's franchises, and Dynamite Kids is excited to bring even more exciting titles and announcements as 2025 marches on!

Visit for more news and information.

02/18/25 @ 2:00 pm EST
Source: Image Comics | Categories: Image Comics

Nights, the critically acclaimed comic book series written by Wyatt Kennedy (Bolero) and illustrated by Luigi Formisano, is being developed into an animated television series by Titmouse, the award-winning animation studio known for pushing creative boundaries with hit projects like Big Mouth and The Legend of Vox Machina. Published by Image Comics, Nights is a supernatural coming-of-age story centered around a group of friends navigating life, relationships, and mysterious paranormal events. The adaptation will be produced in collaboration with Kennedy and Formisano and bring their unique vision to life through Titmouse's renowned animation style and expertise.

Nights isn’t the type of comic you read and say ‘oh neat, cool art, good story’ and then put back on the shelf with all the other comics that have cool art and good stories. Nights is a generational experience in the making,” said Alexei Bochenek, Creative Director at Titmouse. “Reading it reminds me of when I used to stay up late watching FLCL at midnight on Toonami, having my mind blown not just by how dynamic it was, but by how seen it made me feel, a mirror to my whole self, good and bad, dreams and fears. If you know you know. I want to bring that feeling back to the animation fans like me who have been chasing it ever since, and introduce a whole new audience to the experience of discovering themselves through a new show that they feel seen by and become huge champions of, too. That’s what Nights is.”

Kennedy added: “Despite so many live-action comic translations, I never envisioned Nights being adapted any other way than as an animated series. Luigi’s and my love of animation is baked into the very fiber of the book, and having the legendary, incredibly talented team at Titmouse help bring it to life is mind-blowing. From our earliest conversations, Alexei and his team immediately understood the soul of our strange little story, and their passionate collaborative spirit leaves me confident that we’re crafting something that fans of the book and newcomers alike will love.”

“It’s unbelievable to think that the incredibly talented people behind some of my favorite shows are now bringing Nights to life,” said Formisano. “As a fan of Titmouse’s works for years, it’s a dream come true. It’s a huge honor to work with a team who loves this story as much as Wyatt and I do, and I can’t wait for fans to see what we create together.”

The animated series promises to stay true to the comic book’s distinctive artistic style and storytelling while introducing audiences to new layers of depth and imagination, where the setting is nostalgic and dreamlike, monsters and vampires are real, and the late ‘90s and early 2000s vibes are off the charts. With a cinematic blend of indie and anime influences that are beautiful, colorful, and contemporary, the animated series will deliver both frights and feels, much like the comic book.

The Nights comic book series launched at Image Comics in 2024 to critical acclaim, with the first twelve-issue story arc titled, "Season One." Nights Vol. 1 which collects “Part One” of the series, Nights #1-6, is available now at comic book shops, independent bookstores, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Indigo, and Waterstones, and across many digital platforms. Nights Vol. 2, collecting Nights #6-12, will be released in comic book shops on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, and in bookstores on March 11, 2025. The Season One finale issue, Nights #12, is now also available at comic book shops, and the Season Two premiere issue, Nights #13, will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, February 26. Nights is available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.

02/18/25 @ 1:44 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Space Ghost

Soaring into space, and then back down to the hands of readers, this June Dynamite Entertainment and Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products are excited to announce the Space Ghost Annual! This special issue acts as a capstone to the title's storylines to date, and teases what is yet to come!

"From the very beginning, Space Ghost has been a true labor of love from me and artist Jonathan Lau, bringing together the best parts of superheroes and science fiction — and we're so excited for readers to finally witness the epic showdown that we've been building up to all along!," said series writer David Pepose. "We've been so lucky to have an army of creators, fans, retailers, and press tirelessly champion our work, and I can't wait for everyone to see what Jonathan and I have coming next. The future couldn't be more exciting — or more dangerous — for Space Ghost and his intergalactic found family!"

The new era of Space Ghost comics has been a great hit, critical darling, and a blast for fans, by all accounts. Its all-star creative team of David Pepose (Captain Planet, Cable) and Jonathan Lau (Red Sonja, Green Hornet) pour their passion into each and every page alongside the rest of the creative team. Space Ghost has been a perfect concoction of the timeless original Hanna-Barbera DNA and the most thrilling superhero storytelling ingredients of the modern era, all channeled through super-fans.

With its first full year and 12 issues down, Pepose and the team needed extra real estate to wrap up their latest epic chapter. The big Robo Corp storyline comes to a close within the annual, as readers learn more about Dr. Xander Ibal's devious plans for Blip. It's all leading to an evil scheme to unleash the malevolent artificial intelligence known as Ultima!

The fan-favorite crew of Space Ghost alongside Jan and Jace will have to take down the whole Council of Doom if they hope to stop Ultima's schemes for intergalactic control. Will the scion of the spaceways be able to rid the universe of the terrifying new threat?

At the very end of this extra-length treat for new and old Space Ghost fans alike, there will also be an exciting tease for a powerful new villain. Set to be center stage for the next exciting Space Ghost storylines, fans will not want to miss this essential release that promises to kick off Space Ghost's most thrilling adventures yet!

The annual features 28 pages of story, and covers by Francesco Mattina, Jae Lee, Bjorn Barends, and Anthony Marques.

SPACE GHOST ANNUAL #1 will be solicited in Diamond Comic Distributors’ April 2025 Previews catalog, the premier source of merchandise for the comic book specialty market, and slated for release in June 2025. Comic book fans are encouraged to preorder copies of the book with their local comic book retailers. ...
02/18/25 @ 1:21 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Transformers
Dynamite today announces a set of updates on its licensed TRANSFORMERS trading cards celebrating the 40th anniversary of the beloved Hasbro franchise. All key segments and editions of the trading cards set have fully sold out, coinciding with the conclusion of the yearlong 40th anniversary celebrations in 2024.

The TRANSFORMERS 40th anniversary collectible cards from Dynamite had four principal sections of product, to fit the desires and needs of various retailers and collectors. This included the Collector's Set, the Deluxe Set, as well as Hanger Boxes, and Blaster Boxes. All four are fully sold out from their production run.

The Kickstarter campaign launched to offer the cards and key extras directly to many fans concluded at the end of October and will conclude fulfillment this month in February.

Dynamite's direct sales through the company's website have also sold out.

Fans who have not yet gotten their cards can check with their preferred retailers to see if they are available for purchase.

The trading cards featured in this set and campaign collect a wide range of visions of everyone's favorite characters. The Hasbro vaults have been opened, with the set's designers and curators pulling classic artwork and representing an international crop of top artists. The focus of this set is on the original, iconic "Generation 1" era and continuity of the franchise. This includes the biggest beloved characters across both Autobot and Decepticon factions, such as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starscream, Ironhide, Soundwave, and other classics.

Due to the phenomenal success of this initial Hasbro and Dynamite collaboration, further updates on new Dynamite licensed TRANSFORMERS collectible trading card projects will follow shortly. Fans can stay tuned to Dynamite's platforms and their favorite comics and trading card news outlets to hear about it first.

02/18/25 @ 1:12 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Vampirella

This June, Dynamite Entertainment is excited to bring the hotly anticipated second volume in its new line of paperback editions of the comprehensive Vampirella Archives. With volumes planned to release every two months, this second installment marks a critical point for the series and is an essential addition to every fan's shelf!

Vampirella Archives Volume Two collects issues #8-14 of the original Vampirella magazine released at the time by Warren Publishing. This stretch covers the years 1970 and 1971.

The previous, initial volume capped off with #7 as the first issue credited to new editor Archie Goodwin, primarily featuring the "Three Witches" epic by Nicola Cuti, Tom Sutton, Ernie Colon, and Billy Graham. Goodwin is one of the most celebrated figures in American comics, as writer and editor, for his works on titles like Epic Illustrated, Star Wars, Batman, Iron Man, Starman, and more.

With the first issue in this second book, Goodwin immediately hits the ground running with a rapid expansion of Vampirella's cast and lore, writing the ongoing lead feature himself, initially still with Vampi's original artist Tom Sutton. The duo introduce key supporting characters Conrad and Adam Van Helsing, the mysterious foes of the Cult of Chaos, and the Crimson Chronicles. Mordecai Pendragon follows a few issues later.

Following Sutton's Vampirella run across issues #1-11, the final three issues of this volume showcase the debut of legendary artist Jose Gonzalez. The master Spanish artist would quickly become the character's most celebrated and definitive creator of the Warren era, and remains on the "Mount Rushmore" for nearly all fans to this day over 55 years into the character's history. His contributions to the series and character continue through the very end of the series in 1983. His diverse mixed media approach employing ink washes among other techniques, and his evolving use of photorealism inspirations make every page of his a wonder.

Other creators featured in this volume include Wally Wood, Barry Windsor-Smith, Neal Adams, Dave Cockrum, Dennis O'Neil, Steve Englehart, Gerry Conway, Doug Moench, Jack Katz, Sam Glanzman, Mike Ploog, Frank Brunner, Jeffrey Catherine Jones, Gardner Fox, and others. These brilliant stories are complemented by painted covers by Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo, Sanjulian, Ken Kelly, and Bill Hughes.

This will be the second of a projected 15 total volumes in paperback for the first time, set to reprint the entire 112 issue run of Vampirella from 1969 through 1983. The Archives are printed in dimensions matching the original magazine format. Stories are primarily in black and white. This approach allowed the series in its heyday to sidestep the Comics Code Authority and push boundaries of mature content.

The following third volume will feature more Goodwin and Gonzalez, the entry of writer T. Casey Brennan, Esteban Maroto's "Tomb of the Gods" feature, and more.

Visit for more news and information.

02/18/25 @ 1:05 pm EST
Source: Dynamite | Categories: Elvira
Dynamite Entertainment, DC, and Queen "B" Productions today announced an incredible crossover set to be the perfect match of two of the most beloved and provocative women in fiction, as the one and only cupid of crime, Harley Quinn, will meet the maven of the macabre, Elvira, in an upcoming comic book series!

This extraordinary collaboration has been championed by all involved—including Elvira herself—resulting in a mashup between two pop culture icons that fans will be sure to adore.

More information will come as the project develops, but it can be confirmed that Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti will be writing the story. The power couple's creative tenure crafting the misadventures of Harley Quinn from 2013 to 2018 added countless elements to the character, and brought in a new era of fans, while setting the blueprint for many of her interpretations since.

"What do you get when you slam a Maid of Mischief and a Mistress of the Dark together?" asked Amanda Conner. "Sheer chaos, escapades and fun! Holee pandemolee, who WOULDN’T wanna see the Vivacious Elvira and the Hijinky Harley Quinn get together for a bunch of wisecracking and clowning around? And a bit of naughtiness. Okay. Maybe a lot. I can’t wait to work on this book!"

Jimmy Palmiotti added, “We are super excited to not only revisit our lovely Harley Quinn and her gang in Coney Island, but it seems like a match made in heaven... or hell, having the ever stunning Elvira, Mistress of the Dark along for the ride in this team-up to end all team-ups. We are talking ICONS here! This is one of those circumstances where the characters have so much in common that the books almost write themselves. The trouble these two are going to be getting in will be epic!"

"Recently I’ve gotten the chance to have my Elvira character crossover with some other icons of horror and even personal friends of mine, like H.P. Lovecraft and Vincent Price," shared Cassandra Peterson, the voice and visage behind the Mistress of the Dark. “My fiendish fans may recall that my entry to comics was with DC, and it’s exciting to be working with them again, and with one of their most revered characters. There are few who can match my charisma and appeal, but Harley is up there!”

Dynamite CEO and Publisher Nick Barrucci added, "This is such a great story, we had to bring the best creators on board for this historic team-up and crossover. Amanda and Jimmy are some of my closest friends in this industry, and we've loved working with them at Dynamite. Their work with Harley is so beloved as well, so it's just a perfect project all around. We're excited to share more with fans as it comes together."

Harley Quinn made her debut in 1992 on the masterful Batman: The Animated Series, before quickly leaping into comic books, films, and beyond with her boundless energy and trademark wit. The clown princess of crime was originally the psychologist for The Joker, then a love interest and accomplice in his mayhem. Since then, Harley has broken out on her own, joining the Suicide Squad, DC’s Gotham City Sirens, and created her own found family. Off the page and screens, she's left an indelible mark on fans of all generations and risen to become one of DC’s most recognizable and beloved characters.

Elvira, the Mistress of the Dark is a character played by actress Cassandra Peterson, going back over four decades of fun and frights. She was initially created to serve as a "horror hostess" for programming featuring older, campy B-movies from the horror and science fiction genres. Her captivating charms and signature look led to a bounty of talk show appearances, merchandising, and cult classic film masterpieces. Through the years she has also starred in over 200 comic books of her own across multiple publishers. Her earliest tales on the four-color page were through DC, and her current home for half a decade has been Dynamite.

Both Harley Quinn and Elvira are icons of aesthetics, fashion, and charm. Across their multiple media appearances, they've inspired and entertained generations of women and men, and countless Halloween costumes! Their pairing is natural, a dream project for all involved and a treat for readers and collectors.

Further details on creative teams, story details, formats, and release dates will be shared on this project soon! ...
02/17/25 @ 5:32 pm EST
Source: Variety | Categories: Dark Horse

“The Umbrella Academy” is coming back this June with a new story told in its original comic-book medium from creators Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá and Dark Horse Comics.

Per the description for “The Umbrella Academy: Plan B,” “After the mass release of The City’s greatest foes and the chaos that followed in Hotel Oblivion, the Umbrella Academy faces their most fearsome challenge to date – their other brothers and sisters. Known only as The Sparrows, they share a different connection to Sir Reginald Hargreeves and Mom. No one knows how to hurt each other more than family, and this powerful, ruthless brood will spare no brutality in favor of their sole objective—control and the obedient glare that comes with it.”

The new comic is co-written by Way and Bá (who also illustrates), colored by Dave Stewart and lettered by Nate Piekos.

It will be released June 11 and is currently available for preorder for $4.99.

Dark Horse says Issue #1 will feature six variant covers illustrated by artists including Fabio Moon, Claire Roe, Mike del Mundo, Duncan Fegredo, David Aja and Jill Thompson. (via Variety)

02/17/25 @ 5:19 pm EST
Source: BOOM! Studios | Categories: Power Rangers

BOOM! Studios, in collaboration with leading toy and game company Hasbro, today revealed a first look at POWER RANGERS PRIME #5. Groundbreaking POWER RANGERS writer, and scribe behind Darkest Hour Melissa Flores, along with acclaimed artist Michael YG (Iron Fist), colorist Fabi Marques, and letterer Ed Dukeshire ushers in a new era into the Rangers Mythos with the new ongoing series POWER RANGERS PRIME! Continuing March 2025.

Relationships are put to the test in this thrilling new issue as members of the VR Troopers and the Power Rangers team go head-to-head in a heated battle! But the VR Troopers attack as a tightly formed unit, revealing the Ranger’s weakness as inexperienced, new heroes… Can they overcome their shaky teamwork to avoid capture? Or will outside intervention be needed to save them from these dangerously skilled opponents?

POWER RANGERS PRIME #5 features a main cover by the incomparable Dan Mora, with variants by Matt Taylor (Deep State), Bon Bernardo (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers), Keyla Valerio (Vicarious), Don Aguillo (Deadly Tales of the Gunslinger Spawn), and Audrey Mok (Archie).

POWER RANGERS PRIME is the newest release from BOOM! Studios’ eponymous imprint, home to critically acclaimed original series, including BRZRKR by Keanu Reeves, Matt Kindt, and Ron Garney; Something is Killing the Children by James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera; bestselling horror anthology Hello Darkness; Grim by Stephanie Phillips and Flaviano; Stuff of Nightmares by R.L. Stine and A.L. Kaplan; A Vicious Circle by Mattson Tomlin and Lee Bermejo; Ghostlore by Cullen Bunn and Leomacs; Rare Flavours by Ram V and Filipe Andrade; Underheist by David and Maria Lapham; Animal Pound by Tom King and Peter Gross; Minor Arcana by Jeff Lemire; and the upcoming Vicarious by Ryan Parrott and Eleonora Carlini; and The Creeping Below by Brian Azzarello and Vanesa Del Rey. The imprint also publishes popular licensed properties, including Dune: House Corrino from Brian Herbert, Kevin J. Anderson, and Simone Ragazzoni; and The Expanse: Dragon Tooth by Andy Diggle, Rubine, and Francesco Pisa.

POWER RANGERS PRIME #5 will be available in comic shops March 19, 2025. It is available for pre-order at your local comic shop. Digital copies can be purchased from content providers, including Kindle, iBooks, and Google Play.

Power Rangers Prime #5 A Main: JAN250030

Power Rangers Prime #5 B Variant: JAN250031

Power Rangers Prime #5 C BOOM 20th Anniversary Variant: JAN250032

Power Rangers Prime #5 D Foil Stamp Variant: JAN250033

Power Rangers Prime #5 E 1:10 INCV: JAN250034

Power Rangers Prime #5 F 1:15 INCV: JAN250035

Power Rangers Prime #5 G 1:20 INCV BOOM 20th Anniversary Variant: JAN250036

Power Rangers Prime #5 H 1:25 INCV Foil Stamp Variant: JAN250037

Power Rangers Prime #5 I 1:40 INCV: JAN250038

Power Rangers Prime #5 J FOC Reveal Variant: JAN250039

Power Rangers Prime #5 K Unlockable Variant: JAN250040

02/17/25 @ 12:41 pm EST
Source: Deadline | Categories: Sonic

'Sonic the Hedgehog 3'

Sonic the Hedgehog 3, the third installment in Paramount’s franchise based on SEGA’s video games, is set to begin streaming on Paramount+ in the U.S. and Canada on February 18. The film’s availability in additional international Paramount+ markets will be announced at a later date.

On Paramount+, fans of the franchise can also catch up with the first two films, as well as spin-off series Knuckles and a retro animated series following the franchise’s mischievous hero.

The highest-grossing film in the Sonic series, at over $473 million worldwide, as well as the second highest-grossing video game film of all time, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 picks up shortly after Knuckles’ six-episode side quest and follows Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails on their most epic adventure yet. In the film, the team reunites to face a new, formidable foe, Shadow, a mysterious hedgehog with powers unlike anything they’ve ever seen. Together, team Sonic must secure an unexpected alliance if they hope to stop Shadow and save the planet they now call home. (via Deadline)

02/17/25 @ 12:21 pm EST
Source: Variety | Categories: MIsc

Matt Damon will be playing Odysseus in Christopher Nolan‘s upcoming epic “The Odyssey,” Variety is reporting. He will appear alongside an expansive cast including Tom Holland, Mia Goth, Zendaya, Anne Hathaway, Lupita Nyong’o, Robert Pattinson, Charlize Theron, Benny Safdie, Jon Bernthal and John Leguizamo.

Damon’s role was revealed Monday morning through the film’s official X account. The post included a photo of him in character and read, “Matt Damon is Odysseus. A film by Christopher Nolan, #TheOdysseyMovie is in theaters July 17, 2026.”

“The Odyssey” follows the Greek champion Odysseus on his tumultuous journey home after the Trojan War. The story was first scribed by the ancient Greek poet Homer over 2,000 years ago and is one of the oldest stories still enjoyed by modern readers.

Nolan penned the script and serves as director and producer. His wife, Emma Thomas, will also produce under the pair’s Syncopy banner.

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