AMY CHU Amy Chu writes comics – and only – comics! Following a successful run heading up the first-ever Poison Ivy mini-series for DC Comics, Chu turned her focus to crafting multiple series for Dynamite Entertainment including Red Sonja and KISS. Chu also writes and produces comics for a number of non-profits including The New York Historical Society, The Baltimore Museum of Art, Pop Culture Classroom, and The Museum of Chinese in Americas. In her spare time, Chu can be found serving as a frequent speaker/panel moderator/guest at the top industry conventions including San Diego Comic Con, New York Comic Con, Heroes Con, and the Emerald City Comic Con and Fan Expo. Download Amy Chu’s Critically-Acclaimed Red Sonja #0 - FREE!  | RED SONJA’S RIVETING REVIEWS "I can tell you this, if you've not yet hopped on board this series' wagon, you'd best get a'jumping. Dynamite has a sure-fire hit here and with a creative team of Amy Chu and Carlos Gomez at the helm there is no telling just how amazing this is going to get. Check this box in you Pull List and thank me later." - OutRightGeekery "The final line: Sonja is lost in time, transported to the modern world, and readers are the winners for getting to read this outstanding tale. Slick storytelling and strong visuals make this book a winner in any time. Absolutely recommended." - ScFiPulse "Dynamite Entertainment is starting 2017’s new Red Sonja title with a bang. Amy Chu has a story for us that will make our heads spin...The story is written so well that you immediately get caught up in the excitement and feel like you’re there with the wind on your face watching this first-hand." - OutRightGeekery | Can’t Get Enough Red Sonja? Catch-Up on the Full Series Here: DISCOVER MORE OF AMY’S TITLES BELOW, AND CATCH-UP ON THE BEST OF HER DYNAMIC WORK WITH DYNAMITE BY VISITING GROUPEES.COM/VIP NOW!  | RAVE REVIEWS FOR AMY CHU’S KISS SERIES "Accessible by everyone, KISS fan or not; that's the beauty of Amy's writing." - Outright Geekery "Seriously, there are few books on the shelves which look this good, and while the plot may be a simple one there's a lot to be said for sheer creativity and solid writing." – FortressOfSolitude "KISS #5 is an absolute winner. In fact, to quote a rather more tongue-in-cheek band, it pushes things up to eleven." – FortressOfSolitude | Can’t Get Enough Red Sonja? Catch-Up on the Full Series Here: