VAMPIRE HUNTRESS The Vampire Huntress Legend Series (VHL) is a twelve book series written by Leslie Esdaile Banks under the pen name L.A. Banks. The series centers around a young twenty-something woman named Damali Richards who is a spoken word artist but is also The Neteru, a human who is born every thousand years to fight the Dark Realms. Her most dangerous and most constant enemy from The Dark Realms are vampires. The entire series is based on the never ending struggle between good and evil. The Vampire Huntress Legend Series is also about the strong bonds of love. Love that exists in the form of family love, friendship love, love of self, love for the world (environment) and the love between man and woman. There is also intense subject matter on religion within this series. The cover art for this series was done by Vince Natale, while inside illustrations are the work of Eric Battle. Dynamite Entertainment published the comic series The Vampire Huntress: Dawn And Darkness. This is an original story that takes place after the epilogue in the 12th and final book in the Vampire Huntress series of novels!