We've got a heavy hitter title from our Disney line on FOC today, as CRUELLA DE VIL makes her way to the runway as we turn the calendar to the new year. Check out the issue below for this returnable title and more. Make sure you stock up for customers, as they head to stores in 2024 ready for top titles to start the year off strong!
This title is onFOC December 11 for on sale January 10! Please also check out our other mailer with non-Disney titles on FOC.
DISNEY VILLAINS: CRUELLA DE VIL #1 WRITER: Sweeney Boo | ARTIST: Miriana Puglia OCT230194 - OCT230204 OCT239112 - OCT239114
Even though there's absolutely no hard evidence that noted couturiere Cruella De Vil was ever involved in the theft of any Dalmatian puppies, her name has been ruined in all of the tabloids, and now her reputation in the fashion world is hanging by a thread. Which is why she's willing to do anything - ANYTHING! - to restore her good name - even stealing the royal family's priceless jewels!
How will that restore her reputation, you ask? You'll just have to pick up this brand new entry in Dynamite's Disney Villains adventures to find out! With a story (and a cover) by the astonishingly talented SWEENEY BOO, and interior art by the continentally sophisticated MIRIANA PUGLIA, Disney Villains: Cruella De Vil #1 also features covers from the intensely fashionable JOSHUA MIDDLETON!
If you need further information or would like to receive emails directly from Dynamite please contact: Alan Payne, VP Sales & Marketing at: alan.payne@dynamite.comand Vince Letterio, Director of Direct Market Sales at: vince.letterio@dynamite.com
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