31 | | Savage Red Sonja & Vampirella: Dead Flowers on FOC December 4! | | Two top characters in two top titles, that adds up to a top FOC this week! SAVAGE RED SONJA continues its brilliant story by Dan Panosian alongside the incredible art team. Then we bid adieu to VAMPIRELLA: DEAD FLOWERS by Sara Frazetta, following the footsteps and in tribute to her grandfather Frank Frazetta, who makes a bit of an appearance in this finale. These are can't-miss comics for all kinds of fans! We also have some sweet sales running right now.
These titles are on FOC December 4 for on sale January 3!
SAVAGE RED SONJA #3 WRITER: Dan Panosian | ARTIST: Alessio Petillo COLORIST: Francesco Segala | LETTERER: Dave Sharpe
NOV230191 - NOV230201 |  A B A: DAN PANOSIAN - NOV230191 B: FRANK CHO - NOV230192
 C D C: GARY FRANK - NOV230193 D: COSPLAY (RACHEL HOLLON) - NOV230194 | | Red Sonja returns from the Wastelands with the Blood Ruby, and immediately sets off to steal its equally valuable counterpart! Unfortunately for Hyboria's Greatest Warrior, the gem is heavily guarded by the legendary Slayers of Shadizar - and the She Devil will have to use more than just her sword if she wishes to survive such a perilous pursuit! | | 
THE BEST OF RED SONJA HC Various Creators |  JENNY FRISON - AUG230346 | | What better way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the She-Devil With a Sword than to revisit her greatest tales in an all-new hardcover collection? Brought together for the first time in a single volume, these storied sagas trace the legendary exploits of the Hyboria's favorite daughter over five skull-smashing, tavern-wrecking decades!
. "The Temple of Abomination!" - Roy Thomas & Dick Giordano . "Red Sonja" - Roy Thomas & Esteban Maroto . "The Blood of the Unicorn" - Roy Thomas, Ed Summer, Clara Noto & Frank Thorne . "The Day of the Sword" - Roy Thomas, Doug Moench, Dick Giordano & Terry Austin . "The Message" - Michael Avon Oeming, Mike Carey& Mel Rubi . "The Return of Kulan Gath" - Michael Avon Oeming, Mel Rubi & Stephen Sadowski . "Birth of a She-Devil" - Luke Lieberman & Sergio Davila . "One More Day" - Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Grey & Liam Sharp . "The Cloud Tiger" - Arvid Nelson & Pablo Marcos . "Wolves on the Road" - Eric Trautmann & Walter Geovani . "Red Sonja" - Gail Simone & Walter Geovani . "Queen of the Frozen Wastes" - Frank Cho, Doug Murray & Gregory Homs . "Worlds Away" - Amy Chu & Carlos Gomez . "The Coronation" - Mark Russell & Mirko Colak . "Three Wishes" - Luke Lieberman & Sergio Davila
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