The Vampire Huntress Legend Series (VHL) is a twelve book series written by Leslie Esdaile Banks under the pen name L.A. Banks. The series centers around a young twenty-something woman named ...
Dynamite proudly presents the comic book misadventures of Grumpy Cat, featuring "The World's Grumpiest Cat" and her brother, Pokey! With her ever-present pout and sassy disposition, Grumpy Cat has won the ...
Ashley J. "Ash" Williams is the protagonist in the Evil Dead horror film franchise, played by Bruce Campbell, and created by director Sam Raimi. Since the character Ash Williams first appeared in ...
Frank Thorne is an American comic book artist-writer, best known for popularizing the Marvel Comics character Red Sonja. As Red Sonja started to a starring role in other comics, and it ...
Jesse Snider is a comic book writer, voice over actor, TV/radio host, semi-pro football player, and rock musician. He is the eldest son of Twisted Sister front man and vocalist Dee ...
Most of Ande Park's career in comics has been spent as an inker, but in recent years, though, he has also turned his attention to writing. As an inker, Parks has worked ...