The Phantom made its American debut as adventure comic strip created by Lee Falk (who also created Mandrake the Magician) and syndicated by King Features. through the years, King ...
Dynamite proudly presents the comic book misadventures of Grumpy Cat, featuring "The World's Grumpiest Cat" and her brother, Pokey! With her ever-present pout and sassy disposition, Grumpy Cat has won the ...
Anthony Rogers was a fictional character that originated in two short stories by Philip Francis Nowlan, "Armageddon 2419 A.D." and "The Airlords of Han" published in Amazing Stories (August 1928, March ...
Most of Ande Park's career in comics has been spent as an inker, but in recent years, though, he has also turned his attention to writing. As an inker, Parks has worked ...
Phil Hester is a comic book artist, penciler and writer. This Eisner Award-nominated artist was born in eastern Iowa, where he went on to study at the University of Iowa. ...
Tom Sniegoski is a novelist, comic book writer and pop culture journalist. A number of Sniegoski's works have been related to the Buffyverse, the fictional universe established by TV series, ...