Price: $3.99 Shipping: In-Stock!SKU: C72513032296805011 Rating: Teen+ Cover A: Joseph Michael Linsner UPC: 725130322968 05011 Cover B: Drew Moss UPC: 725130322968 05021 Cover C: Lesley "Leirix" Li UPC: 725130322968 05031 Cover D: Junggeun Yoon UPC: 725130322968 05041 Cover E: Cosplay / Katie Baker UPC: 725130322968 05051 Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Benjamin Dewey Genre: Horror Publication Date: January 2023 Format: Comic Book Page Count: 32 ON SALE DATE: 1/11/23 THE BARONESS IS ON THE VERGE OF TRIUMPH AS VAMPIRELLA BATTLES AN ARMY OF MONSTERS! Final issue! As Vampirella's past almost literally crashes into the present, she must prevent an unnatural exorcism that would gift the Baroness with life eternal. All Vampi has to do is defeat a never-ending parade of flesh-eating monsters!