Got a question about your favorite Dynamite title or character? Want to see your letter in print in your favorite Dynamite Comic? Well, "Ask the Editor" by clicking here!
Mark your email, “OK To Print” if you want to possibly see your letter in a Dynamite Comic in the future!
COLLECTION FORMATS (In order of increasing size):
Digest: 5 1/8 X 7 13/16 inches
GN-Hardcovers: 6.875 X 10.5 inches
GN-Trade Paperbacks & Omnibus: 6.625 X 10.1875 inches
Archive Editions: 7 x 10 inches
Oversized Hardcovers: 11.25 X 7.25 inches
Titles rated A (Everyone 9 and up) have content that may be suitable for ages 9 and up. Titles in this category may contain more cartoon, fantasy or mild violence, mild language and/or minimal suggestive themes.
TEEN+ Teens & Up
Titles rated T+ (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence and suggestive themes, Parents may want to read before or with younger children.
15+ years old similar to T+ but featuring more mature themes and/or more graphic imagery. Recommended for teen and adult readers.
Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older.
Ratings serve as general guidelines for readers. Dynamite leaves the final determination of what is appropriate content up to the consumer.
And for those looking to submit your ideas and comics to Dynamite, check out the info below:
Dynamite Entertainment Submission Guidelines
Dynamite Entertainment understands the amount of effort you've put into your submission, but please understand that due to the volume of submissions we can not guarantee a response. If we’re interested in your work, we'll contact you.
Before submitting any material, download the Dynamite Entertainment Idea Submission Form (CLICK HERE) .
PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY. This form outlines the relationship between you and Dynamite Entertainment ("Dynamite") concerning your submission. By signing this document, you are acknowledging that Dynamite Entertainment continually generates new comic book ideas in-house, as well as from outside sources, and that Dynamite Entertainment has no liability for similarities between your submission and possible future Dynamite Entertainment products or properties. Please note that Dynamite does not review unsolicited scripts, story ideas, or proposals pertaining to properties currently published by DYNAMITE or any property not owned by the submitter. Such material will be destroyed without review.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND UNSOLICITED SUBMISSIONS. We will not be able to read your submission without a completed and signed Submission Release Agreement. Without the completed form, your work will be returned to you or discarded, depending on whether or not sufficient packaging and return postage was included with the submission.
Due to the volume of submissions, please note that we cannot keep or return your material, but we dispose of it so that no one (including us) has access to it anymore, so please make sure you keep a copy for yourself. Please do not inquire as to the status of your submission unless you have not received a response after this time period.
Send your sample along with a signed DE Idea Submission Form to:
Dynamite Entertainment
ATTN: Submissions
113 Gaither Dr, STE 205
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
United States of America
WRITERS: Please send us an inquiry letter, detailing your writing experience and why you would like to write for Dynamite Entertainment. Based on your inquiry letter, we may request to read a sample of your work. Please note: Unsolicited writing samples will not be read. Any unsolicited or solicited writing sample received without a signed Dynamite Entertainment Idea Submission Form will be destroyed unread. Do not send scripts or story proposals for any title currently being published by us. Dynamite’s agreements with its licensors and creators prohibit Dynamite from reading such submissions. Such submissions will be destroyed unread.
Do not send samples/proposals via facsimile (fax) or email. All such submissions will be destroyed without review.
Do not make telephone follow-ups to check on the status of your submission. It is our policy to respond to submissions only if we wish to hire the creator.
ARTISTS: Please submit no more than 5 pages of sample artwork. Please mail in clean 8 1/2"x11" photocopies of your sample pages - NOT originals. Artwork can be difficult to copy, so please make sure the reproduction quality is high.
PENCILERS: Just send pencils. Do not send inked, colored or lettered pages. If there are flaws in the inking, coloring or lettering, they may influence our opinion of your penciling. Just send sequential pages, not pin-ups. We are looking for your ability to tell a story with pictures, not just your ability to draw.
COLORISTS: Don't send samples colored over your own line art. Any flaws in the underlying black and white artwork will influence our opinion of your coloring.
PAINTERS: If you are submitting samples of fully-painted (traditionally or digitally painted) cover work, keep in mind that Dynamite Entertainment covers tend toward iconic shots of single characters rather than groups of characters or storytelling elements.
NEVER send original art. Send photocopies only. Make sure the photocopies you send are clean and sharp and easy to "read." Be sure that each page has your name, address, and phone number clearly written somewhere on it.
NOTICE: Dynamite Entertainment shall have no liability for submissions which are lost, destroyed or not returned. Submitter acknowledges that Dynamite Entertainment may have independently developed or been informed of ideas or themes similar or identical to those contained in his or her submission and that Dynamite Entertainment shall have no obligation to submitter except as may be set forth in a subsequent written agreement between Dynamite Entertainment and submitter.