Price: $3.99 Shipping: In-Stock!SKU: C72513032272205011 Rating: Teen+ Cover A: Lesley "Leirix" Li UPC: 725130322722 05011 Cover B: Jonathan Lau UPC: 725130322722 05021 Cover C: Vincenzo Federici UPC: 725130322722 05031 Cover D: Sebastian Piriz UPC: 725130322722 05041 Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Joseph Cooper Genre: Action Adventure Publication Date: January 2023 Format: Comic Book Page Count: 32 ON SALE DATE: 1/25/23 THE NINJETTES' FIRST ASSIGNMENT MAY COST THEM THEIR VERY SOULS! In the finale of this origin arc, the Ninjettes get their first assignment: eliminate the very men who brought them to the Concrete Dojo. All it will cost them is their souls! And how much is that in dollars and cents, anyway?